글로벌 링크


H Council Attendance Guide attend

Council Attendance Guide

  • [Type of attendance]

    • General: General citizens
    • Group: More than 10 people from educational or other organizations
    • Permanent: Members of the pressand public officials who are required to attend
  • [How to attend]

    • Submit application(to office) → Receive permission → Get ticket (from office) → Attend
    • Attendeesmust show validID (driver's license or passport)
  • [Caution]

    • Do not enter the hall.
    • Do not wear a hat orcoat.
    • Do not bring materials that are unrelated to the council.
    • Do not smoke oreat.
    • Do not read newspapers or other books.
    • Do not record, tape, orphotograph without the permission of the chairman.
    • Do not expressyour opinion or clap intentionally.
    • Do not cause any disturbance.

Attendance Restrictions

Applicants may be restricted from attending for the following reasons.

  • 1Possession ofa weapon or dangerous item
  • 2Drunkenness
  • 3Suspicion of potential to cause disruption or danger
  • - Those under the age of 12 may attend only with thepermission of the chairman.
  • - The chairman can limit the number of observers for the purpose of maintainingorder.
  • ※ Contact for attendance: Legislative Policy Officer’s Office, Secretariat of Daegu Metropolitan City Council +82-53-803-5098

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보