글로벌 링크

Greetings from the Chairman

H About the Council Greetings from the Chairman

대구광역시의회 의장 장상수 사진

One step further to citizens, People-centered Council that communicates Daegu Metropolitan Council

Thank you for visiting the Daegu City Council website.

Daegu Metropolitan Council Chairman Jang Sang Su

Dear 2.4 million residents of Daegu City!
Hello, I am Man-gyu Lee, chairman for the first half of the 9th Daegu City Council!
Thank you for visiting the Daegu City Council website.


The 9th Daegu City Council has finally taken the first step to its new journey, carrying the residents’ hopes of seeing Daegu’s recovery and reinvigoration.

As humble servants of the people, the 32 members of the council will try their best to maintain checks and balances on the executive body of the city administration upholding the highest standards.

We would also like to ask for your continued support and interest towards the council.

Daegu City Council will only think about its residents and work to offer a better life and better tomorrow to the residents.

Thank you.

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보